Description: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSConditionNewBrandElectroluxReplacement Item120 Minute Clock TimerCompatible Brands✔ Chef ✔ Electrolux ✔ Simpson ✔ Westinghouse Suitable ForOvens & CooktopsSuitable MPNs✔ Electrolux 66E202W66E204W 66E202W*00 66E204W*00 66E204W*01 ✔ Electrolux EEC1350W-L*20 EEC1350W-R*20EEC1350W-L*27 EEC1350W-R*27 ✔ Electrolux EEC1350W-L*27 EEC1350W-R*27 EEC1350W-L*29EEC1350W-R*29 ✔ Electrolux EEC1350W-L EEC1350W-R ✔ Electrolux EPSC631S EPSC631WEPSZ611S EPSZ611W EPSZ631S ✔ Electrolux EPSZ631W PSL632S PSL632W Manufacturer Warranty1 YearPower SourceElectricProduct Information ELECTROLUX WESTINGHOUSE INCLUDES OVEN 120 MINUTE TIMER GENUINE OEM WESTINGHOUSE CHEF SIMPSON (ELECTROLUX) 120 MINUTE OVEN TIMER GENUINE Suits Models: 63G911S, 63G911W, POL662K, POL662S, POL662W, 88E736S, 88E736W, POL662KCY, POL662SCY, POL662WCY, EOCL633S, EOCR633S, EOCL633S, EOCR633S, POHL662SCC, POHL662WCC, 83E706S*02, 83E706W*02, 83E711S*02, 83E711W*02, 88E736S*02, 88E736W*02, EOS611S, EOS611W, EOS631K, EOS631S, EOS631W, 83E706S, 83E706W, 83E711S, 83E711W, EOCL633W, EOCR633W, EOSL631W, EOSR631W, EOC611S, EOC611W, EOC633S, EOC633W, 88E738S*02, 87E716S, 87E716W, 86E217SLP, 86E217SNG, 86E217WLP, 86E217WNG, DSL635S, DSL635W, 87E716S*02, 87E716W*02, EGC631S, EGC631W, EGC633S, EGC633W, PXP688S*02, PXP688W*02, PGP657S*02, PGP657W*02, EOB303X, PPN776S*46, PPN776W*46, PXP688S, PXP688W, PPP776S, PPP776W, PGP657S, PGP657W, POPS663S*02, POPS663W*02, EGC624W*32, POPS663S, POPS663W, DSP635S, DSP635W, PSN632S*40, PSN632W*40, PSP632S, PSP632W, PPN776S*47, PPN776W*47, PPN776S*04, PPN776W*04, PPN776W*32, PPN776S*37, PPN776W*37, EGC634S*44, EGC634W*44, POP663S*02, POP663*W*02, EOB305X, PEK1350W-L*40, PEK1350W-R*40, PEK1350W-L*53, PEK1350W-R*53, PEK1350W-L*52, PEK1350W-R*52, PEK1350W-L*32, PEK1350W-R*32, PPP776S*02, PPP776W*02, PEK1350W-L, PEK1350W-R, PEK1350W-L*43, PEK1350W-R*43, PSN632S, PSN632W, PSN632W*32, DSN635S, DSN635W, DSN635W*32, DSN635S*40, DSN635W*40, PPN776S, PPN776W, PON663S*40, PON663W*40, POP663S, POP663W, PPN776S*45, PPN776W*45, PON663W*32, EGC634S*40, EGC634W*40, EGC634S, EGC634W, PON663S, PON663W, PONS663S, PONS663W, PONS663W*32, PONS663S*40, PONS663W*40, PONS667W, PSN632S*37, PSN632W*37, GSC6615SLP, GSC6615SNG, GSC6615WLP, GSC6615WNG, GXC611SLP, GXC611SNG, GXC611WLP, GXC611WNG, GOS611S, GOS611W, GSC6635KLP, GSC6635KNG, GSC6635SLP, GSC6635SNG, GOL472SLP, GOL472SNG, GOL472WLP, GOL472WNG, GOC633SLP, GOC633SNG, GOC633WLP, GOC633WNG, GOC673SLP, GOS631K, GOS631S, GOS631W, GXL540SLP, GXL540SNG, GXL540WLP, GXL540WNG, GSC6635WLP, GSC6635WNG, GSC6618SLP, GSC6618SNG, GSC6618WLP, GSC6618WNG, GSC6618SLP, GSC6618SNG, GSC6618WLP, GSC6618WNG, C328LP*01, C328LP*02, C328LP*04, C328NG*01, C328NG*02, C328LP*05, C328LP*19, C328LP*20, C328NG*05, C328NG*19, C328NG*04, C328NG*20, GSP625SLP*03, GSP625SNG*03, GSP625WLP*03, GSP625WNG*03, GSN625SLP*33, GSN625SNG*33, GSN625WLP*33, GSN625WNG*33, GSN625SNG, GSN625SLP, GSN625WNG, GSN625WLP, GSN625WNG*32, GSN625WLP*32, GSP625SLP, GSP625SNG, GSP625WLP, GSP625WNG, GON474WNG*32, GON474WLP*32, GOP474SLP*01, GOP474SNG*01, GOP474WLP*01, GON474SNG, GON474SLP, GON474WNG, GON474WLP, GOP474SLP, GOP474SNG, GOP474WLP, GOP474WNG, GOP474SLP*02, GOP474SNG*02, GOP474WLP*02, EUC5350W, EUC5350W*07, EUC5350W*07, EUC5350W*07, EUC5350W*19, EUC5350W*20, EUC5350W*19, EUC5350W*20, EUC5350W*19, EUC5350W*20, EUC5350W*04, EUC5350W*04, EUC5350W*04, EUC5130W*18, EUC5130W*18, EUC5130W*18, EUC5140W*04, EUC5340W*04, EUC5140W*04, EUC5340W*04, EUC5140W*04, EUC5340W*04, EUC5340W, EUC5140W*19, EUC5140W*20, EUC5140W*19, EUC5140W*20, EUC5140W*19, EUC5140W*20, EUC5350W*06, EUC5350W*06, EUC5350W*06, EUC5130W*04, EUC5330W*04, EUC5130W*04, EUC5330W*04, EUC5130W*04, EUC5330W*04, EUC5350W*05, EUC5350W*05, EUC5350W*05, EUC5330W, EUC5140W, EUC5130W, PPL775S, PPL775W, PPL776S, PPL776W, GSC6635K, GSC6635S, GSC6635W, GSC6615S, GSC6615W, 86E217SLPN, 86E217WLPN, 85E726S, 85E726W, 85E726S*01, 85E726S*02, 85E726W*01, 85E726W*02, 66E202W, 66E204W, 66E202W*00, 66E204W*00, 66E204W*01, EUC5130W*20, EUC5130W*20, EUC5130W*20, EUC5330W*18, EUC5330W*19, EUC5330W*18, EUC5330W*19, EUC5330W*18, EUC5330W*19, EUC5330W*20, EUC5340W*20, EUC5330W*20, EUC5340W*20, EUC5330W*20, EUC5340W*20, EUC5130W*19, EUC5130W*19, EUC5130W*19, EEC1350W-L*20, EEC1350W-R*20, EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*29, EEC1350W-R*29, EEC1350W-L, EEC1350W-R, GOC673SNG, GOC673WLP, GOC673WNG, PSL632S, PSL632W, GOP474WNG*01, GOP474WNG*02, EUC5340W*19, EUC5340W*19, EUC5340W*19, EXC611S, EXC611W, EUC5350W*07, EUC5350W*19, EUC5350W*20, EUC5350W*04, EUC5130W*18, EUC5140W*04, EUC5340W*04, EUC5140W*19, EUC5140W*20, EUC5350W*06, EUC5130W*04, EUC5330W*04, EUC5350W*05, EUC5130W*20, EUC5330W*18, EUC5330W*19, EUC5330W*20, EUC5340W*20, EUC5130W*19, EPSC631S, EPSC631W, EPSZ611S, EPSZ611W, EPSZ631S, EPSZ631W, EUC5340W*19, POHL662WCC, POHL662SCC, EWOBIFPW, EWOBIFW, EWOBIPW, EWOBISLW, EWOBISRW, EWOBIW, EOC633S, EOC633W, PPL775S, PPL775W, PPL776S, PPL776W, PSL632S, PSL632W, POL662K, POL662S, POL662W, EGC633S, EGC633W, GSR2EW-N, GSR2EW-P, GSR2KW-N, GSR2KW-P, GOL472SLP, GOL472SNG, GOL472WLP, GOL472WNG, RET9FCW, RET9FW, RET9FZW, RET9W, RET9ZW, GSC66I8SLP, GSC66I8SNG, GSC66I8WLP, GSC66I8WNG, 63G911S, 63G911W, GXL540SLP, GXL540SNG, GXL540WLP, GXL540WNG, EOS611S, EXC611S, EOC611S, EOS631K, EOS631S, EOS631W, EUC5140W, EUC5340W, EUC5350W, 83E706W, 83E711S, 83E711W, EEC1350W-R, GSC6618SLP, GSC6618SNG, GSC6618WLP, GSC6618WNG, EOCL633S, EOCR633S, GOC633SLP, GOC633SNG, GOC633WLP, GOC633WNG, POL662KCY, POL662SCY, POL662WCY, DSL635S, DSL635W, C328NG*19, C328LP*19, C328NG*05, C328LP*05, C328NG*04, C328NG*02, C328NG*01, C328LP*04, C328LP*02, C328LP*01, 85E726W, 85E726S, EOS611W, EXC611W, EOC611W, EUC5130W, EUC5330W, 83E706S, EEC1350W-L, GXC611SLP, GXC611SNG, GXC611WLP, GXC611WNG, GSC6615S, GSC6615W, GSC6635K, GSC6635S, GSC6635W, EGC631S, EGC631W, EPSC631S, EPSC631W, 66E202W, 66E204W, 66E202W*00, 66E204W*00, 66E204W*01, EOSL631W, EOSR631W, 88E736S, 88E736W, EOCL633W, EOCR633W, 88E736S*02, 88E736W*02, 83E706S*02, 83E706W*02, 83E711S*02, 83E711W*02, 85E726S*01, EPSZ611S, EPSZ611W, EPSZ631S, EPSZ631W, 85E726S*02, 85E726W*01, 85E726W*02, 86E217SLP, 86E217SNG, 86E217WLP, 86E217WNG, GOS611S, GOS611W, GOS631K, GOS631S, GOS631W, 87E716S, 87E716W, 632E20SZP, EWOCLBL, EWOCLW, EWOCLB, GOS630W, GOS630S, GOS630K, EPSC630W, EPSC630S, EOSR630W, EOSL630W, ESLUFCW, EOC610S, EOC610W, GWOSLBL, GWOSLW, GWOSLSS, GWOSLFMBL, GWOSLFMW, GWOSLFMSS, EOS630K, EOS630S, EOS630W, GXC610W, GXC610S, GRET9KXW-N, GRET9KXW-P, GRET9XW-L, GRET9XW-N, GRET9XW-P, GRET9XW-T, GRET9FKW-N, GRET9FKW-P, EWOSLFLW, EWOSLFRW, EECL031W, EECR031W, 102GC20B47, 102GC20FE36, GWOCEW, GWOCEBL, GWOCESS, GWOCEFMW, GWOCEFMBL, GWOCEFMB, GWOCEFMSS, EXC610S, EXC610W, EWOHSLFZSS, EWOHSLZSS, EWOHSLFW, EWOHSLW, EWOHSLFCSS, EWOHSLFCW, EWOHSLFCXSS, EWOHSLFCXW, EWOHSLFZW, EWOHSLZW, 532E21S47P, EWOSLB, EWOSLBL, EWOSLSS, EWOSLW, EOS610S, EOS610W, 639E20S2N, EWOCEB, EWOCEBL, EWOCESS, EWOCEW, EPRUFCW, 328NG*20, C328LP*20, WVE613W, 94403168121, WVE613S, 94403168021, PPR776W, 94403145272, PPR776S, 94403145372, PSP632W, 94000174769, PSP632S, 94000174669, WVG613WNG, 94403170519, 94403170517, WVG613WLP, 94403167319, 94403167317, WVG613SNG, 94403170419, 94403170417, WVG613SLP, 94403167219, 94403167217, 94403170503, 94403167303, 94403170403, 94403167203, WVES613W-R, 94403171319, 94403171317, WVES613W-L, 94403168319, 94403168317, WVES613S-R, 94403171219, 94403171217, WVES613S-L, 94403168219, 94403168217, WVE645S, 94403169419, 94403169417, 94403168119, 94403168117, 94403168019, 94403168017, 94403171303, 94403168303, 94403171203, 94403168203, 94403168103, 94403168003, POR663WCC, 944031512, POR663SCC, 944031511, POR663W, 94403143769, POR663S, 94403143669, 94403143772, 94403143672, PXR688W, 94403145873, PXR688S, 94403145773, 94403145872, 94403145772, 94403145869, 94403145769, GOR474WNG, 94403146869, GOR474WLP, 94403146769, GOR474SNG, 94403146669, GOR474SLP, 94403146569, EUC5130W*20, PON663S, PON663W, EUC5140W*20, EUC5330W*20, EUC5340W*20, EUC5350W*20, EUC5140W*28, EUC5340W*28, POP663S, POP663W, POP663S*02, POP663W*02, GON474SLP, GON474SNG, GON474WLP, GON474WNG, PON663S*40, PON663W*40, PGP657S, PGP657W, PXP688S, PXP688W, GSP625SLP, GSP625SNG, PXP688S*02, GSP625WLP, PXP688W*02, GSP625WNG, EEC1350W-L*20, EEC1350W-R*20, PGR657S, PGR657W, PORS663S-L, PORS663S-R, PORS663W-L, PORS663W-R, GSN625SLP, GSN625SNG, GSN625WLP, GSN625WLP*32, GSN625WNG, GSN625WNG*32, GOP474SLP, POPS663S*02, GOP474SNG, GOP474WLP, GOP474WNG, POPS663W*02, POPS663S, POPS663W, DSP635S, DSP635W, GOP474WLP*03, GOP474WNG*03, PGP657S*02, PGP657W*02, GSP625SLP*60, GSP625SNG*60, GSP625WLP*60, GSP625WNG*60, PSN632S*40, PSN632W*40, GSC6638KLP, GSC6638KNG, GSC6638SLP, GSC6638SNG, GSC6638WLP, GSC6638WNG, PEK1350W-L*59, PEK1350W-R*59, PPN776S*46, PPN776W*46, PEK1350W-L*40, PEK1350W-R*40, PSP632S*60, PSP632W*60, GOP474SLP*02, GOP474SNG*02, GOP474WLP*02, GOP474WNG*02, EGC634S*40, EGC634W*40, PPP776S*02, PPP776W*02, PPP776S, PPP776W, GOP474SLP*01, GOP474SNG*01, GOP474WLP*01, GOP474WNG*01, DSN635S*40, DSN635W*40, DSP635S*60, DSP635W*60, GSP625SLP*03, GSP625WNG*03, GSP625SNG*03, GSP625WLP*03, PPN776S, PPN776W, EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*29, EEC1350W-R*29, DSN635S, DSN635W, DSN635W*32, PEK1350W-L, PEK1350W-R, PPN776S*04, PPN776W*04, PPN776W*32, PSN632S, PSN632W, PSN632W*32, PPN776S*45, PSN632S*37, PPN776W*45, PON663W*32, PSN632W*37, PPN776S*37, PPN776W*37, PPN776S*47, PPN776W*47, EGC634S*44, EGC634W*44, PEK1350W-L*52, PEK1350W-R*52, PEK1350W-L*53, PEK1350W-R*53, PEK1350W-L*57, PEK1350W-R*57, EGC634S, EGC634W, EGC634W*32, GON474WNG*32, GON474WLP*32, PONS663S, PONS663W, PONS663W*32, PEK1350W-L*43, PEK1350W-R*43, 94403145269, 94403145369, GSN625SLP*33, GSN625SNG*33, GSN625WLP*33, GSN625WNG*33, WVE613SCC, 944031716, 944031682, 944031680, 944031712, 944031681, 944031683, 944031713, 944031694, 944031672, 944031704, 944031673, 944031705, EOB303X, 944031428, EOB305X, 944031429, PONS663S*40, PONS663W*40, PEK1350W-L*32, PEK1350W-R*32, 94403171601, 94403168001, 94403168101, 94403168201, 94403171201, 94403168301, 94403171301, 94403167201, 94403170401, 94403167301, 94403170501 ShippingProducts will be shipped as soon as the payment is cleared. We usually ship within 24 hour period except for weekends and public holidays. For international (outside Australia) customers, DHL shipping fee is estimate only and may increase based on delivery location.Return PolicyWe are easy with returns. Our return policy is compliant with Australian Consumer Laws. Please let us know if you want to return. It is the buyer's responsibility to pay for the return shipment. Returned products should be in original resalable condition with original packaging. We reserve our right to seek for an independent qualified person report, if the returned product is opened or damaged and returned as faulty. Consult us for a return shipping address.Contact We are just one eBay message away and we are happy to help our prospective and existing customers. Response turnaround is 24 hours except for weekends and public holidays.
Price: 129.95 AUD
Location: Auburn, NSW
End Time: 2025-02-03T18:27:40.000Z
Shipping Cost: 36.87 AUD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
Returns Accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 7 Days
Return policy details:
Compatible Brand: Electrolux, Westinghouse, chef, simpson
Number of Items in Set: 1
Installation: Built-In/Integrated
Power Source: Electric
Custom Bundle: No
Compatible Model: 66E202W,66E204W, 66E202W*00, 66E204W*00, 66E204W*01, EEC1350W-L*20, EEC1350W-R*20,EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*29EEC1350W-R*29, EEC1350W-L, EEC1350W-R, EPSC631S, EPSC631W,EPSZ611S, EPSZ611W, EPSZ631S, EPSZ631W, PSL632S, PSL632W
Material: mixed
Set Includes: timer, 120 minute timer
MPN: 66E202W,66E204W, 66E202W*00, 66E204W*00, 66E204W*01, EEC1350W-L*20, EEC1350W-R*20,EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*27, EEC1350W-R*27, EEC1350W-L*29EEC1350W-R*29, EEC1350W-L, EEC1350W-R, EPSC631S, EPSC631W,EPSZ611S, EPSZ611W, EPSZ631S, EPSZ631W, PSL632S, PSL632W
Item Depth: See Description
Suitable For: oven
Colour: mixed
Brand: Electrolux
Type: 120 MINUTE Clock Timer
Capacity: NA
Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year
Item Height: See Description
Model: EPSZ631W, PSL632S, PSL632W
Features: Timer, 120 minute, genuine oem
Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
Finish: mixed
Power: See Description
Item Weight: See Description
Item Width: See Description
UPC: Does not apply
Int_Id: RPP_0030498